We are feeling the impacts of climate change now. A changing climate is impacting life in Australia and around the world. That's why ÂÜÀò°®Å¾Íø has declared a climate emergency, joined zero-net carbon commitments and supported calls for a Climate Change Bill.
It's why we launched our updated climate change policies - our updated position and brand new discussion papers addressing the role of planning in adapating to a changing climate.
Read the Position Statement: Planning in a Changing Climate
Read the Discussion Paper: Role of planning in adapting to a changing climate
Read the Discussion Paper: Role of planning in reducing carbon
Now we are taking this work a step further with our announcement of a campaign for climate-conscious planning systems.
Check out our National Campaign Document, familiarise yourself with exactly how to make your planning system climate-conscious and join the campaign. Your Division will be launching a direct advocacy campaign in the coming weeks and months - get involved!